On arrival at Jubilee Bridge we found the car park half full, it had just gone half seven & within another hours time parking here was going to be difficult. Langstrath Cam Crag Ridge 2/3 8km / 5 miles via Tarn at Leaves or 12km / 7.5 miles via Glaramara I did this about 30 years ago. So a feasible day in decent light would be from Langdale to the Pike, down to Cockley Beck, or the other way about. . Much to our delight, the texture of the rock was very similar to what we had encountered on Round How. Best Grade 1 Scrambles in the Glyderau. As is so often the case with scrambling terrain, there was much variation possible and we opted for maximum time on rock throughout. Our path can be seen in the right hand side of the photo, it really is quite an obvious path but not one I would like to find myself upon should the cloud & mist come down, today however we don’t have any issues with cloud & the views weren’t too bad either. At around 400 metres of height gain this is probably the longest scramble in England, with the added bonus of finishing on a high mountain summit that can offer absolutely gobsmacking views. Long Pike scramble, high on Great End. Tim I’m gonna have to take the boots off & empty the stones out. Scafell Pike from the path to Esk Hause. Scafell Pike – 978m . We press on with our descent down Calf Cove. It wasn’t long before we found ourselves at the Esk Pike’s summit cairn, here we were greeted to large groups of walkers equally enjoying a day on the sunburnt fells. Tim & I replied aye, aye…all behind two cheeky grins. Must-do routes include the huge SE Face of Ill Crag (grade 3), Pen by Thor's Buttress (3), Cockly Pike Ridge (1) and Round How (2). The pain in my feet however was easily taken away by my view ahead. The day was threatening to be lovely and sunny however, as I eventually reached the top of the climb, a bank of high cloud rolled in eradicating the morning's brightness. Did it but stand alone, away from such enticing neighbours, Esk Pike would rank highly among the really worth while mountain climbs. Nothing can quite prepare you for the sight of Scafell Pike as it dominates Great Moss & the Esk. Cockley Pike ridge is well worth the effort with nothing about it being dull. Scramble up the LEFT side of the crags until you come across a small path that takes you to a scrambling traverse over the gully. Cockley Bridge is at the junction of roads from Hardknott Pass, Wrynose Pass and from the south, Seathwaite in the Duddon Valley. We soon shouldered packs & made our way of Ill Crag’s rock strewn summit before meeting with the busy path feeding more & more walkers onto the Pike, the sun was blazing down & most walkers we passed were walking shirtless thankfully carrying with them large amounts of hydration in some cases which was good to see. reflecting the five (or so) peaks that make up the high ridge walk of Crinkle Crags. Despite this it was still shady on the slopes of Ulpha Fell which was a small comfort. Twenty fours hours later I am almost lost for words when I think just how incredibly fantastic that ridge climb was. We struck up a fairly obvious pathless route to gain Cockly Pike which wasn’t without its steepness. We came up with the notion in lets enjoy the long walk back through Upper Eskdale & Brotherikeld rather than ‘run’ through it as we both agreed we wouldn’t want to be returning home late evening. Many more walkers are passed all heading up to Esk Pike as we make our way down in the midday heat, it seemed such a shame to leave the fells early but in saying this, we still had two hours of magnificent Upper Eskdale to soak in yet. But the views make all the hard work worth it. Known to climbers as Esk Buttress, this 400-foot near vertical crag rises from the fellside low down in the mountains east flank, over looking the River Esk.Â. We take in the last miles under the duress of a brilliant afternoon sun as we pass more paddlers who spend their afternoon up to their waist cooling off in the River Esk, Tim & I can only look on as the dust rises from the heels of our boots’ we finish off the remainders of our Hydration Packs & water bottles. With a well trod ridge path to guide me I descended to Deepdale Hause before my next ascent of the day, a hands on scramble over my favourite summit in the whole of Lakeland, the rock crown of Cofa Pike. Cher Fan Club Recommended for you Continue to an obvious block with an overhang at its base at the bottom of the cone of Pike O'Stickle. I was the first to give Tim the good news. Before leaving Esk Pike summit I took the time to take a few more photos before our Ore Gap descent, here looking into the Langstrath Valley as both Allan Crags & Glaramara dominate its left flanks, over to the right we have High Raise (Langstrath) with the distant summits of Sergeant’s Crag & Eagle Crag as the valley flows north into Borrowdale. Despite this it was still shady on the slopes of Ulpha Fell which was a small comfort. We continue along the path as the cloud begins to lift from both Esk Pike & Bowfell revealing Bowfell’s distinctive cone like summit, for now however eyes are fixed straight ahead where I try & pick out what I can of the Cockly Pike ridge, it’s no use from this distance, we need to get a little more close up, all the while taking in the enormity of our position surrounded by Lakelands highest fells. Even then, the mercury was rising rapidly and the climb up Cockley Pike and the remainder of the ridge was collar-work. Walk three from my ‘out of the ordinary walks’ would be a direct ascent on Ill Crag from Great Moss which up until a few weeks ago were just words on a sheet of paper as I hadn’t really planned on how I was going to get myself up there, if at all it was even possible for the average walker already knowing somewhere in the back of my head, that the most direct ascents were Grade 3/4 Scrambles. This view never fails to bring out the wow factor for me. The Esk and the Great Moss from further on in the climb. I asked Tim could he pass me my baseball cap which was zipped away in the buddy pocket of my pack lid, the cap does a great job of keeping the sun of my face but is quite a menace when trying to look through the view finder of the camera, the only solution was to spin it around leaving the peak hanging over my neck, the last time I wore a baseball cap like that I think I was still in my young teens. Cher & Chaz Bono - All I Really Want to Do (Live on The Cher Show, 1975) - Duration: 9:29. Our route starts from Wasdale Head. You may be able to make out a small stretch of water in the foreground which bases itself beneath the summit of Great End, this is Lambfoot Dub, which by all accounts is also on this years ‘to do list’. ... Long Pike ridge. From the summit of Cockly Pike we had another fairly obvious choice on which way to gain the main ridge, the summit can be seen in the top left of the photo which can be mis-leading when thinking that the ridge goes straight up from Cockly Pike, it seems that there are a matter of twist & turns together with the odd descent & ascents thrown in too. After crossing over a cleverly disguised stile in the wall, the going got really tough as the chosen route climbed steeply up the fellside. Beyond the central fells we have the eastern fells in the very back ground with the Helvellyn ridge penetrating from south to north until Blencathra can be seen in the far left of the photo. At the beginning of each year I try to set myself a few ‘out of the ordinary walks’ two of which I have already completed in; Scafell Pike from Grasmere & Scafell Pike via Piers Gill which when I think about it there’s a bit of a trend forming with Scafell Pike who’s routes are roughly based upon the good weather the summer season brings, there’s a couple of winter walks I have planned to do also but that’s miles away yet isn’t it? The situation is wonderful as is the continuous scrambling interest. Taw House is known as High Fell farm with common grazing’s that extend all the way up to the Scafell range, the farm dates back to 1806 but was actually built on the site of a much older site dating back to 1723. We soon came to a section of Lingcove Beck where the Valley of Mosedale is passed to our left, here we spot two walkers heading out over Thostle Garth (foreground) looking like they had a wild camp in mind, we could only look on with envy. (my own way of saying lets take our time back). Tim had stopped off at MacDonald’s before he picked me up this morning & duly handed me a Sausage & Egg McMuffin for the journey up to Lakeland which was marred by the fact that we couldn’t access the M6 from Junction 26 because of roadworks, instead I guided Tim through a slight detour until we reached Junction 27 a little further north. The Rough Crag scramble is fairly innocuous but it's a good way to arrive on Scafell Pike. Feedback comments are intended to give extra information about a route which may be helpful to other climbers. We set about kitting up taking long swigs of diluted pop from the extra bottles we had with us, not before leaving them in the boot & packing more into the side pockets of our packs. After reaching our next designated stop we again took hold of the route by giving it a few moments of thought before proceeding again, seeing as we were having so much fun sticking to the boulder field we again stuck to what we thought best, in this case by veering left over the top of the boulders once more. Top day out! Pinnacle Ridge, St Sunday Crag A classic grade 3 scramble, in a fantastic setting, with a steep crux corner. Tim arrives to find me still taking photos of this iconic Lakeland landmark, I will try not to leave it so long until my next visit. Set high above Upper Eskdale and The Great Moss, with views over to Scafell, Slight Side, Esk Pike, and Crinkle Crags, it's pretty fantastic. Here is the last photo of the Cockly Pike ridge before it disappeared beneath a tower of rock that forms the summit, from here we were less than thirty feet away from the summit cairn but thirty feet of exhilarating concentration as Tim demonstrates! After arriving at the top of the grassy rake we were presented with the ridge ahead. Whilst most people will be able do this walk, it requires a reasonable head for heights and an ability to scramble over a short rocky patch. Not after completing the longest continuous scrambling gradient in England. The scrambling is very easy, a bit scrappy near the top although the finish is excellent. Route map for 'Cockley Beck,Scafell Pike,Esk Pike,Lingcove Beck' - a 18.0km walking route near Seathwaite, UK. Bochlwyd Horseshoe – (Page 56) This includes TWO of the best scrambles in Snowdonia, as well as another two in descent! Well, seeing as Esk Pike was en-route I couldn’t see any reason why not, if anything including, Esk Pike completed the days proceedings. It is still a good distance before we reach the Esk Hause path at the head of the valley, at this point we can only just make out the summit of Ill Crag as Esk Buttress & Pen vastly dominate our ascent ridge. Grade 1 Scramble / Grade 4 Walk – Jack’s Rake 7 miles (11.2km), with 2500 ft (762m) of ascent Meeting Time: 9.30am in Elterwater village (for complimentary transport to the start). It’s not Scafell Pike, but still, the scramble is not one for vertigo sufferers. 50 Minutes to the top of Causey Pike (30 minutes of rain) and I timed it so the cloud broke as soon as I got to the top! Esk Pike, Bowfell and the Crinkles all in a line. After kitting up & locking the car we took a left from the car park, then crossed a cattle grid before making a right at the Red Phone Box destination Taw House. Here one can only look on feeling like a very small part of something spectacular that has been here for the past 450 million years. Cockly Pike is a non-obvious summit that forms the base of Ill Crag & can only really be seen once Little Narrowcove is passed or, if on an ascent on Esk Hause via Great Moss, even then the summit can easily be mistaken for a just another noble of scattered rock, after all it’s Ill Crag that steals the show here, never-the-less, this non-obvious summit was our starting to point to gain Ill Crag via “The longest continuous scrambling gradient in England”. Inside Philadelphia, it is called Ridge Avenue.Going westward, it traverses many eastern Pennsylvania neighborhoods including Conshohocken and beyond, eventually connecting with Germantown Pike to the west. This photo was taken from where the last red dot can be seen in the previous photo, we followed a steep grassy rake which soon tuned into fixed boulder scree, getting around or over the boulders just added to the excitement of the ascent as the rock was porous giving excellent grip throughout the ascent. After a short descent onto Ore Gap Bowfell pulled once more at the heart strings, after estimating ascent & descent times we again agreed that indeed, today, Bowfell was a fell to far. After failing to find the cause of what was going on I can only assume that a rescue was underway, I only hope it was nothing too serious. It seemed odd to have to make such decisions & they really do pull at the heart strings no more so than mine & Tim’s, but when you take in the two hour each way journey & the early rise of 5:00am (earlier for Tim) you’ve got to know when to make the right call. It is an unusual starting point for the ascent of Grey Friar but proves an interesting round. Clear Warm & Sunny,light Winds, Highs Of 22°C Lows Of 12°C, Jubilee Bridge – Brotherikeld – Taw House – Scale Bridge – Damas Dubs – Great Moss – River Esk – Sampson’s Stones – Cockly Pike – Cockly Pike Ridge – Ill Crag – Calf Cove – Esk Hause – Esk Pike – Ore Gap – Yeastyrigg Gill – Lingcove Beck – Lingcove Bridge – Brotherikeld – Jubilee Bridge. Walk Scafell Pike, but still, the texture of the grassy rake we were really starting gain! Moss & the Esk and the setting alone should merit 3 stars and Sergeant 's Crags then... Last picture of… Fell dominates the view south seen over the whole walk you 'll climb approximately metres... Friar but proves an interesting round I was the first to give extra information a... That make up the high ridge walk of Crinkle Crags a fairly obvious pathless route to gain Pike! Throughout, but on 29th August 1991 the tower collapsed wet rocky scramble just the. Not after completing the longest continuous scrambles in Snowdonia, as well as two! 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