Because of its heavy armaments and armor the ship was slow in combat, making it vulnerable to coordinated attacks by Starfleet. The Bochra-class carrier, known as "The Dragon" was the largest ship in the IRN and served as a base of operations after an enemy planet or base had been pacified. The Raptor could also be fitted with a package of between four and six atomic weapons, each with a variable yield of up to ten kilotons. The Dragon carried a complement of Blackhawk attack fighters, support craft, and had a primary launch bay which was large enough to accommodate an entire starship in the event major repairs were needed. While the Warhawks were old, they were reliable, maneuverable, and easy to build (they constituted over a third of the fleet Valdore deployed against Earth). It took Earth nearly three years to develop a countermeasure to the Marauder's telecapture device. The construction of Romulan names varies by region and class, however, in general, formal names follow a standard format of: 1. The Romulan Bird-of-Prey was an experimental vessel which had one of the most sophisticated cloaking devices of its era. This spaceship name generator will give you 10 names that will generally fit all types of spaceships, ranging from large cargo vessels to small fighters. The task of thinking up Star Trek Romulan Names can be quite monotonous, time wasting and boring, but with Romulan Name Generator - Star Trek tool, I hope the task is made easier for you. Given Name + Locative + House-Clan or for married males: 1. This generator will generator 10 random names at a time, fit for the Romulan species of the Star Trek universe. January 8, 2021 November 5, 2020 1960’s Fonts Bold Fonts Cool Fonts Custom Fonts Display Fonts Free Fonts Lettering Fonts Logo Fonts Modern Fonts Retro Fonts Sans Serif Fonts Stencil Fonts Vintage Fonts Website Fonts by hipfonts. One should always address a R… Romulans do not address each other by their given names unless they are family members or on intimate terms. The ship featured a newly designed Romulan crest, featuring a stylised bird of prey clutching two planets, Romulus and Remus, in its claws. The meaning of the name is given, if applicable. Decks are lettered and sections numbered. While Warbirds make up the majority of the Romulan fleet, there are several non-Warbird starships available to Romulan captains. Originally, "Warbird" was a name for the Romulan capital ships, such as the D'deridex class that first appeared in TNG: "The Neutral Zone". The Romulan Republic was founded to create a more open society, but it is unclear exactly how dominant each ideology is. Common usage of names is simply Given Name + House-Clan. We have added a few useful features to the name generators like you are realy found your dream name then you can also check for domain name availability to preset your dream character to the world. Given Name + Maternal House-Clan + Wife's House-Clan This long form name is used for official and formal occasions. Proudly created with. Note: You can also click on your favourite generated Star Trek Romulan Names and check domain name availability. The newly-christened "Marauders" served as the testbed for a failed holography package against the allied powers in 2154. I've almost reached the level cap, and have started to struggle with choosing my T6 ship to buy, fleet or Zstore (which ever is best). You can share this page to your friends and family so that they can also help you to choose right Star Trek Romulan Names. The N'Kentha-class destroyer was a potent ship of the line which had proven itself during the Romulans' expansion into Klingon territory nearly two decades earlier. • Y186 fought on Imperialist side in Romulan Civil War (T10). The Romulan Star Navy uses a complex organisational structure for its spaces forces. Ancient Hero: Romulan KEX. These fleets are made up of several avaras or 'cent… While the Warhawks were old, they were reliable, maneuverable, and easy to build (they constituted over a third of the fleet Valdore deployed against Earth). You can use them however you want. The best feature, however, was the Romulan donated cloaking device that the ship carried. The R'Keth class battlecruiser was first deployed during the "Dueling Birds War" between the Romulans and the Klingons in the 2130's. The Bird-of-Prey was originally built for service to the Tal'Shiar, but when the Praetor declared war on the Coalition of Planets, the ship was commandeered by Valdore's navy to raid Earth convoys. There are plenty of names for all sorts of spaceships, many of which could also be used for satellite, space stations, mining colonies and many more space related constructions. The Warhawk, like all Romulan warships, carried a self-destruct device which could be activated instantly by the Romulan commander. Romulan Command Sergeant: Erein: Senior-grade troop, commands a ‘File’ (5-15 soldiers), and serves as the sub-senior specialist in ship departments. The D'remelak-class destroyer, code-named "Raptor" by Starfleet, was a lethal addition to the Romulan Imperial Navy. Tag: star trek romulan ship name generator. Romulan society has been secretive and xenophobic for much of its history. External links. Not only did the ship survive a Borg assault on Earth, but also most of Dominion War. These vessels appear or are mentioned in Star Trek (TOS), Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (DS9), Star Trek: Voyager (VOY), Star Trek: Enterprise (ENT), and/or the Star Trek films. Which generation do you belong to? Romulan ship classes at Ex Astris Scientia; Star Trek Ships: Expanded - Romulan Star Empire at … Keep clicking on Get Male Names, Get Female Names button to generate more random Star Trek Romulan Names as soon as you get your favourite Star Trek Romulan Names. Follow below steps to generate Star Trek Romulan Names quickly and 100% randomly. Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. Lieutenant Stiles stated in TOSepisode "Balance of Terror" that the ship was "painted like a large bird-of-prey." They have pointed ears like the Vulcans, but most Romulans had two brow ridges of which the top ones are larger and shaped like a V. When the first Romulan Warbird-class vessels were decimated by the Klingons in the 2130's, the Imperial Navy decommissioned them. Template:Startrek2 This is a list of the fictional Star Trek universe's Earth and Federation Starfleet ships organized by ship class. Proudly created with Before the Warbirds were scrapped, Technology Czar Nijil and Admiral Valdore appropriated and refit several of them into a specialized configuration that allowed for experimental weapons testing. Some quarters are on C deck; Launch Bay 3 is on Deck E, Section 25. ships. The 11th Anniversary Ship should be a Romulan hybrid And I don't care who they hybridize with - Federation or Klingon would be really interesting: The Federation-Romulan would probably produce the more visually distinct blending of the two options, considering that their ships … This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made film intended for recreational use. Check out this document for six Romulan spaceframes, some new Ship Talents, and a new Mission Profile for sneaky espionage vessels. These fleets are then usually assigned to specific "commands", such as Star Command, Exploration Command, Pacification Command or Occupation Command. Please Note This generates completely random names based on some rules that seem common for the chosen race. For generating Star Trek Romulan Names simply scroll down and click on the Get Male Names, Get Female Names Button to randomly … Romulan Star Empire - All Ships. Powered by a Matter Anti-Matter Warp Core, these ships behave more like their Federation and Klingon Defense Force counterparts. In the 2009 Star Trek movie, the time-traveling Narada attacks and easily overpowers the USS Kelvin, killing Captain Kirk’s father. • Y182 destroyed by a Romulan offensive. Its fleets are based around particular groups, such as Command Fleets, Praetorian Fleets, Senatorial fleets, Coalition fleets and others. Romulan starship design and development has entered something of a renaissance in the latter half of the 24th century. Get Male Names, Get Female Names Button to randomly generate 10 Star Trek Romulan Names . The D'remelak-class destroyer, code-named "Raptor" by Starfleet, was a lethal addition to the Romulan Imperial Navy. They departed Vulcan in the 4th century; later, some of their descendants established settlements on the planets Calder II, Dessica II, Draken IV, Yadall… The first ship to appear in Star Trek: Picard is appropriately the one that started Picard on his journey over 30 years ago: The Galaxy-class USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-D. No Romulan ship has ever been identified on live-action screen as a "Bird of Prey." Generally, these ships lack Singularity abilities and Battle Cloak, but gain access to other abilities, such as Cruiser Command Array. Common Romulan Female Names. It was heavily shielded and carried a powerful forward disruptor cannon. The newly-christened "Marauders" served as the testbed for a failed holography package against the allied powers in 2154. The goal of this tool is to make the names as accurate as possible to what we know … Currently I'm running as a Romulan Science officer using double torpedo's (on front) and phaser banks all around so I am open to the ship … The reason Romulan Name Generator - Star Trek was created because it is so hard to thinking of some cool Star Trek Romulan Names! Couple Name Generator combines two people's names into a unique supercouple nickname. Romulan Name Generator - Star Trek is free online tool for generating Star Trek Romulan Names randomly. Also, a river running through that city No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. Llunih: a ship-bloc nation on the east continent of Romulus Mnaeha: a city on Romulus Mhiessan: a large port city on Romulus Nn'Verih: a ship-bloc nation on Romulus' north continent Ra'tleihfi: capital city of the Romulan Empire, located on Romulus. Romulan intellectuals thrive on deceit and subterfuge, and they favor more of a cunning approach to battle rather than sheer brute force, and this is reflected in the Romulan's long history with cloaking technology. It will help you to generate 1000's of cool Star Trek Romulan Names which you can use in books, novels, games, or whatever fantasy world you want to use it. The largest and most powerful of Romulan spacecraft, first detected in late 2364 by the Federation in the first Romulan meeting in 53 years.. Nearly twice the length overall of a Galaxy-class starship, this vessel used an artificial quantum singularity to power its warp-drive system. For generating Star Trek Romulan Names simply scroll down and click on the No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures. Nijil and Valdore retooled the last remaining Marauders to carry the highly effective r'renw'huae device which could remotely hijack an enemy ship's computer. Greatest Generation (before 1946) Baby Boomer (1946-1964) Generation X (1965-1984) Millennial (1982-2004) Generation Alpha (2005 till now) List of starships employed by the Romulan Star Empire or the Romulan Free State. However, Star Trek merchandise (often models and action figures) has been labeled with the name "Romulan Bird of Prey". Get FREE .com with a new hosting account at Bluehost. Ancient Mystic, Gorn HSV-376: • Y179 Built as the second of the Scout Carriers, equipped with heavy fighters and assigned to 6th Fleet. The Bird-of-Prey's effectiveness was reduced greatly once Captain Archer was able to penetrate the vessel's cloaking device. Romulan starships may be named for places (D'deridex, Gal Gath'thong), people (Praetor Pontilus, Decius), qualitative characteristics (Bloodwing - an animal, Courser), or Romulan language terms, phrases, metaphoric representations and poetic verses (Glory Quest, Talla - "duty"). Although it was only meant to be used in the Gamma Quadrant, the crew often broke the rules and ran it in the Alpha Quadrant on a regular basis. Corporal: Eredh: The trained specialist and base grade troop of the Legions. Although all Romulan warships are referred to as Warbirds by the Romulan Star Empire, the typically recognized Romulan Warbird is a massive ship built around a large hollow centre that is often used as a docking bay and ship tender area during large-scale fleet operations for smaller Romulan ships such as … This vessel is reported to incorporate all of the most-modern technology available to the Star Empire, making it a formidable foe. Romulan Name Generator - Star Trek is free online tool for generating Star Trek Romulan Names randomly. Later in the series, this ship type would be explicitly referred to as a "warbird". Heavily armed and shielded, the Stormbird's biggest threat was its forward anti-proton cannon which was devastating to both space-based and planetary targets. Subclass Designation Ship Name Translation Source … After the war was over, the Tal'Shiar reclaimed the few ships of the class that survived. The newly designed Romulan ship that appeared in "The Neutral Zone" was built as a miniature model by Greg Jein. Nijil and Valdore retooled the last remaining Marauders to carry the highly effective, © 2018 by mindcrime entertainment. Random Name Generator. provides a free set of name generators tools for your fantacy world need that anyone can use to create their own unique name for screen names, place names, names for game characters and more. Of course, a Romulan crew needs a Romulan ship. It will help you to generate 1000's of cool Star Trek Romulan Names which you can use in books, novels, games, or whatever fantasy world you want to use it. The N'Kentha-class destroyer was a potent ship of the line which had proven itself during the Romulans' expansion into Klingon territory nearly two decades earlier. Get FREE .com with a new hosting account at Bluehost. Eredh are the bulk of the Ranger forces Private: Farien: No authority, trained in the field, fresh recruits. The Stormbird was so effective, the Klingons used it as the basis for their D-series battlecruiser designs over the next century, using plans and tech stolen by Klingon agents. The following is a list of common Romulan female names. I usually tried to give them names in Romulan or name them after Romulan ships on the show, like the Khazara. ship name registry class type (IRW Battle Helm) Amarcan-class: warbird (ChR Battlequeen) IRW Belak: D'deridex-class: warbird (ChR Bird of Prey) Vas Hatham-class: bird-of-prey (ChR Bloodsword) (ChR … In more recent years, however, Trek writers and producers customarily use "warbird" as an umbrella term for any Romulan (and even Klingon!) © 2018 by mindcrime entertainment. When the first Romulan Warbird-class vessels were decimated by the Klingons in the 2130's, the Imperial Navy decommissioned them. While ship classes dedicated to research and exploration profiles have become more common in the mid- to late-24th century, the primary focus of Romulan starship development remains an offensive exercise. Scout ship: Romulan military 2366: Destroyed Scimitar: Reman warbird: Unknown: 2379: Destroyed Shaenor: Scout ship: Romulan military 2380s: Assimilated by Borg T'Met: D'deridex-class: Tal Shiar 2374: Active PWB T'Tpalok: Unknown: Romulan military 2375: Active Talvath: Science vessel: Romulan Astrophysical Academy: 2350-2352: Unknown: Terix: D'deridex-class: Romulan military 2370: Active The Z-1 is the largest, most powerful, and newest ship to enter Romulan Naval service, and the Navy's first battleship to be commissioned. The Raptor could also be fitted with a package of between four and six atomic … While the Narada was a simple Romulan mining vessel in its own time in the late 24th century, it possessed far more advanced weaponry than any ship it encountered in the 23rd century. Before the Warbirds were scrapped, Technology Czar Nijil and Admiral Valdore appropriated and refit several of them into a specialized configuration that allowed for experimental weapons testing. It was heavily shielded and carried a powerful forward disruptor cannon. Translation into Federation Standard sometimes renders Romulan ship names as Human mythological or Latin-based te… A great deal of Romulan ships are named after combat gear from history (Rea's Helm, Gauntlet, Pillion). When Surak's reforms of embracing logical principles and rejecting emotions spread rapidly across Vulcan in the 4th century, a minority rejected Surak's ideals. The Warhawk, like all Romulan warships, carried a self-destruct device which could be activated instantly by the Romulan commander. Andes: Federation CVP 1471 Andes: Federation CVP Patrol Carrier. Romulans are a species of humanoids related to the Vulcans. The Dragon could achieve a maximum speed of warp four and its standard crew complement was over 2200, with over half of those being Reman infantry. Or Paramount Pictures to incorporate all of the class that survived entered something of a renaissance in 2130. 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